Babies and Toddlers

The Ladybird room is a calm, happy and homely space for children to learn and develop with the support of highly qualified and experienced staff.

Through highly skilled and sensitive practice genuine bonds are formed between children and their key person. All staff know each child individually and can fully support and develop their Personal, Social and Emotional needs.

Through strong emotional attachments babies develop a positive sense of self as they learn to become independent in tasks including feeding themselves, choosing and accessing toys to play with, communicating their needs verbally and non-verbally and travelling around their indoor and outdoor environments with confidence.

With a focus on the Prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children are exceptionally well-prepared for their extended learning in our Pre-school rooms. Toddlers are well prepared for the next stages of learning as they transition into our Pre-school rooms with the continued support of their key person.

As we are a free flow setting, children are welcome to spend time in each room and their learning travels with them.

Due to the ethos and size of our homely nursery all the staff know every child just as each member of staff is a friendly and familiar face to every child further supporting children being well-prepared for transitions in the nursery.
